Hi everyone:

When people ask me about learning R/Python I tend to point them to the
Software/Data carpentry lesson pages.  I think the lessons are great, and
I've used them myself to learn about concepts.
I'm also biased in my answer because I use the SWC/DC material when I teach.

It occurred to me the other day, that for students who attend a workshop,
they might understand the material better because they've seen it before
taught at a workshop.  The lessons that we have essentially serve as a
reminder to the workshop they attended.  Hopefully, any big questions were
asked in the workshop so they can continue with the lesson material on
their own.

However, what about people who stumble over our lessons without attending a
Do we know how effective the lessons are for people who have not attended a
workshop before?
I imagine the lesson would be just as good, if not better than most of the
material out there.

Then again, I am extremely biased...

- Dan
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