Sorry about the double-post, I hit Send prematurely.

Ian Lynch wrote:

Both are significantly worse in that respect than Impression Publisher
on the Acorn RISC OS platform in the early 90s. Impression Publisher
could be used quite happily for both word processing and DTP on a 25 MHz
machine with 4 meg of RAM but then it was written largely written in
Assembler optimised for one processor.

Bingo. That's ultimately the key to all your praise for the efficiency of your beloved Acorn.

In fact a Psion netBook is in
hardware terms considerably more powerful than those machines. This
seems to indicate that coding efficiency is more important than hardware
performance but there are very low expectations in this respect because
people believe products like MS Word and MS Publisher represent state of
the art hi-tec and that code efficiency doesn't matter too much because
hardware keeps getting more powerful.

If you code in Assembler you will certainly (well if you know what you're doing anyway, I guess) get faster, more efficient, optimized code. But at what price? Platform portability for one thing. And development will take a lot longer and be more expensive.


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