Cheers mate, what you say is quite right; selling it for USD $5 was a
smart move it would weed out those that, just take things offered for
free, the difference here or there sorry was that Ian also told those
that purchased the product as well as those that did not, that it
could if wished be downloaded from the internet and where to get it
from on the internet, so as my point stills stands, He was giving it
for free Albeit it was a FEE was still free for those not wishing to
pay for CD version.
So my point was "It is rude to sell something given to you freely" I
would add here for the nit pickers 'If you are selling the version on
the CD as long as  you are making it aware to the purchaser that he or
she could get it for free IF they sat at thier 56Kb modem computer for
6 to 10 hours downloading it"
You know no wonder laywers make millions of bucks, they have to sit
down and write out these really complicated mumbo-jumbo for guys that
can't take a statement at face value. It took time to burn the CD and
package it so of course sir it is not rude to sell it.

On 8/24/05, Ian Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 10:44 +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > Oh, here's another example. Ian went to a conference a month ago. The 
> > largest education conference in the world, in Los Angeles. These are 
> > people who had never heard of OOo. Ian figured that if he gave out the 
> > CDs for free, a lot of people would grab it just because it's free and 
> > then just throw them on the garbage bin. This would be expensive, 
> and bad for the environment!
> > and it 
> > wouldn't give us an indication of how much real interest there was.
> Actually we started at $10 and explained why we were charging giving the
> option to just take the URL for free on a bit of paper. Most people just
> took the URL but about 30 paid $10. When we reduced the price to $1
> almost everyone took a disk if they were interested. We didn't have time
> to test every price point but I guess the optimum is between $1 and $5
> Probably not enough to quite cover costs :-( Except I got a govenment
> grant to be there :-) But I guess if you take into account my time and
> Adam's so its still a loss :-(
> So if we were to sustain a break even marketing effort at major
> conferences we need something other than just selling disks although
> that can make a significant contribution. Selling merchandise would be
> one possibility and also the booth was a joint OOo/INGOT booth so that
> means if INGOTs is profitable it can support OOo at conferences because
> they target similar markets and are complementary.
> Maybe this should be on the marketing list ;-)
> -- 
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Mr. Richard Jenkins.
You get to choose, kindness; So choose, don't
just sit there thinking about it.

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