Mel Haun Sr wrote:
The only problem I see that makes this a bad move are the Thousands of legitimate clubs and e-mail groups. This would hurt tham as much or more than the spammaers. With little or no real gain. We would lose a wondeful aspect of the Net by the thousands ( like this present list ), to get rid of a nuisance.

Bad move all around

I disagree. Legitimate mailing lists could find other ways to not get filtered out. For example, users could just set their filters to not require hashes from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Using Hashcash doesn't mean that you'd stop using other anti-spam tools like whitelists, blacklists, SpamAssassin, etc.

Hashcash would be a great move. It'd be a powerful new tool for stopping spam. And when properly combined with the other tools we have today, it would have minimal drawbacks.

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