Hi Malte,

Malte Timmermann wrote (14-10-10 14:57)
Cor Nouws wrote, On 10/13/10 20:45:

1] http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=discuss&msgNo=66788

Not sure if I got it right:

You are happy about every Oracle OOo developer, because TDF will
certainly grab everything they can get from the OOo repositories and put
it into the LO repository.

Hmm, I'm not aware I wrote that, and definitely not an attitude that has my preference.

Not hard to not understand,

 .. so your shot on this is not correct.

but what about the part "after some time we
all can gain from this new situation"?

How can OOo gain from this?

It's not clear to me how contributions to LO will make their way to

For me, it looks very much one-way: LO grabbing a lot of stuff from OOo,
but LO not contributing anything to OOo.

Can you explain? What are TDF's plans wrt contributions to OOo?

You know my excellent qualities in predicting the past ;-)
But ok, since I seem to foresee something, it is fair enough that you ask.

About direct contributions:
The Document Foundation has no policy: it is up to the individual developers if they want to commit the code to the OpenOffice.org repository too.
There are various reasons for wanting to do so, or not.
I know that some of the people delivering to TDF also contribute to OOo.
Possibly we will see a situation that a company with people working in TDF has a policy that code shall be contributed to OOo to?

About indirect effects:
There will be more people working on code, and if part of that also comes in OOo, it is extra. Also there will be a larger community++, which IMO will have positive effect in a broader sense.

About the future:
We do not know yet how our "office-cloud"(C) will look like in say 4, or 13 months. It might well be that the things that are set in movement now, will result in different forms of cooperating. Truly effective and with larger benefits to all that have interest in our eco-system.

Kindest regards,

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