On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 18:05:08 -0700
<patr...@riehltime.com> wrote:

Hello patr...@riehltime.com,

> When can we expect a Mac version of OpenOffice???

There already is.  However, when going to the "Download OpenOffice.org"
pages, the server attempts to detect which OS you're using and offers you
the version of OpenOffice.org that best suits that machine.

To select a different version of OO.o, suitable for another platform,
simply click on "Searching for another version?", which takes you to a
page offering all versions of OpenOffice.org. 

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
They said we'd be artistically free, but that was on a bit of paper
Complete Control - The Clash

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