Hi Michael,

On Saturday, 2011-08-27 11:10:27 +1200, Michael Adams wrote:

> I have a possible solution. Two lists: 
>  * one for regular subscribers where they ask and recieve help from 
> each other.
>  * the other where newbies get directed to post to. On which everybody 
> does a reply all, or the server REPLY-TO: is set to the poster, not 
> the list.

Reply-To poster doesn't make sense as then only the poster would get the
reply and the list would not.

> from that i thought of another possibility. Hack the server software 
> so that for all moderated posts the REPLY-TO: header gets 
> automatically set to the OP. That would definately improve the 
> situation.

No, to the contrary. The poster would receive different and maybe even
contradicting replies, and list members wouldn't know if and how
a question was already answered.

The only sensible thing is to have no Reply-To at all. Yes, there may be
occasions where people use Reply instead of Reply-All and thus only the
poster would get the answer, but that's just a matter of training and


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