On Wednesday 05 October 2011 03:06, IT Support RIX wrote:
> Hi,
> We are a support team  helping a small research team and we are
> using Ubuntu Linux.
> Our team is having  difficulties in using 'Open office’ software.
> With Open office in Linux we  could not retain the formatting(such
> as italic, bold and other special characters)  while copying from
> source text such as pdf document unlike Microsoft office.

Not surprising. PDF documents are designed as read only, for printing 
purposes, not as a copyable media.

> We did not find any difficulties when we use Open office in
> Microsoft Windows platform.

Embedded fonts in one PDF file may be on one computer not another. 
Niether OpenOffice.org nor Microsoft Office will use the fonts 
embedded in the PDF but will rely on the current system fonts. 
Microsoft Office on a windows computer may have trouble reading a PDF 
file written using Linux or Apple Mac fonts.

> We would like to check, is there a way out to solve this problem?
> That is we would like to use Open office in Linux platform without
> this formatting issues. Kindly let us know.

Preferably get your files in some other format than PDF. PDF format is 
not designed to be editable by word processors, but is a common 
output format. Of course as you have the copyright holders permission 
to read and edit these files you should have no trouble recieving 
them in ODT or DOC format from them.

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