Hi OVS folks,

I would like to ask some questions:

- what does it mean OpenFlow 1.3+ in notes here 

- there are bundles mentioned in connection with OF 1.3+, is it possible to 
communicate with OVS

  in OFP v1.3 but use some features from higher versions (e.g. bundles)?

- if ovs with OF v1.4 and v1.5 should support bundles, why I am still getting 
for capabilities

  in FeaturesReply value of 4F (1001111) which means bundles are not supported 
(used ovs 2.4/5/6)?

Thanks in advance.


Software Developer

Sídlo / Mlynské Nivy 56 / 821 05 Bratislava / Slovakia
R&D centrum / Janka Krála 9 /  974 01 Banská Bystrica / Slovakia
/ andrej.leit...@pantheon.tech
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