On 11/04/2016 01:36 PM, gowthami prakala wrote:
Hi ,

After adding vlan tag, not able to reach external network(ie ping www.google.com <http://www.google.com> failed).The following commands used,
  In Host Machine,
sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br0
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port brlan0 eth0
sudo ifconfig eth0 0
sudo ifconfig brlan0 netmask
sudo ifconfig brlan0 up
sudo route add default gw br0
sudo ip tuntap add mode tap vport1
sudo ip tuntap add mode tap vport2
sudo ifconfig vport1 up
sudo ifconfig vport2 up
ping www.google.com--success
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port brlan0 vport1
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port brlan0 vport2
sudo ovs-vsctl show

VM1 configured as vport1
ping www.google.com <http://www.google.com> in VM1-->success
VM2 configured as vport2
ping www.google.com <http://www.google.com> in VM2-->success

In Host Machine,
sudo ovs-vsctl set port vport1 tag=10
ping www.google.com <http://www.google.com> in VM2-->failed
sudo ovs-vsctl set port vport2 tag=10
ping www.google.com <http://www.google.com> in VM2-->failed

Please give suggestions to resolve above issue

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By tagging the traffic coming from vport1 and vport2 you've told OVS, that there will be some other switch in the network, which will know how to handle tag=10, if you don't have a switch configured to forward packets having tag=10 they will be just dropped at some point of the network which drops tagged packets in absence of a different configuration.



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