
I am trying to conduct a literature review of programmer cognition. However,
it seems hard to find many relevant literatures, e.g.(I got some of them
from previous post in this group, thanks!):

You are right, there is very little relevant literature.

Also, can anyone also recommend any research method papers/books of how to
study programmers' cognition?

I guess the psychology of programming might be defined as the
application of human psychology to programming related problems.

You question related to the subtopic of human cognition, which
is my own interest.

We could take the cognition of programming as the application of human
cognition to programming related problems.

So the most important thing is to first have some understanding
of human cognition.  Good introductory books are "Human Cognition" by
Eysenck and "Cognitive psychology and its implications" by Anderson.

How to study programmer cognition.  I guess you have to isolate the
part of cognition you want to study (from factors that might
interfere) using some suitably designed experiment and hopefully
get some results that backup your theory.

Derek M. Jones                              tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Applications Standards Conformance Testing    http://www.knosof.co.uk

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