Hi Piyush,

> I find that the Resource and its representations is a central part of 
> the dissertation but the tutorial somehow doesn't bring that to the 
> fore. Would you agree on that? 

I do :-) and there is a plan to fill this hole:

The reason for this is that this part of the API was the hardest to define
and stabilize. Also, the lack of "Restlet Application" abstraction forces
users to manually build the whole server/container. This is not too hard but
still it distracts people from the real goal which is to work with Resources
and Representations.

> And I am still not convinced why Representation should extend 
> Resource 
> (We are talking API here)? 
This took me a while to get straight, so I understand that you are still

> Shouldn't Resource have different 
> Representations? 
Absolutely, they CAN have different representations.

> And if so shouldn't there be a mechanism of asking a 
> resource it's representation (Or a representation builder 
> that takes a 
> resource and builds a suitable representtaion for it)? 
Resource.getVariants() does exactly that. 

> Here is a snippet from a draft that I never sent maybe it brings out 
> the question(s) better than the text I wrote above. 
> Why is a Representation also a Resource? If I understand the 
> dissertation correctly then a Resource has a Representation but not 
> the other way around. And a resource may have different kinds of 
> representations depending on the resource identifier that is used. 

REST says that both a Resource and a Representation are Data Elements. In
addition, HTTP clearly gives URIs to representations via the optional
"Content-Location" header. In the end, if you think about a world of
Resources (as you would think about a world of Objects), then any
concept/idea/thing that can be usefully identified is a Resource. So
Representations are potentially Resources too which leads to the extension
declaration between the Java interfaces. We already use this facility to
support the "Content-Location" header for example: we simply check if the
Representation.identifier property is defined.

> It seems like a resource is a very essential part of the RESTLET 
> architecture but somehow in all the documentation that I have read 
> incl. the tutorial somehow this message doesn't come through. I 
> haven't seen any comncrete example. 

Agreed, the tutorial needs to be refocused. I'm considering writing a
separate tutorial that will focus only on Restlet Applications, Resources
and Representations, going through a more real life example. If Chris
Winters wants to contribute his BookStore application to the project, maybe
we can get this done faster :-)

Best regards,

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