Thanks John for the great feedback. 

> On the source account, you'd initiate a transfer with the 
> arguments being the target account and the amount.  The 
> result on success would be that specific transfer's ID.

Ah, but you're not saying how you 'initiate a transfer'. It's one of the
questions I'm struggling with. It  could be:

POST /account/123
Content-Length: XXX
   <action> Transfer</action>


POST /transfer/account/123
Content-Length: XXX

The problem I  have with the first approach is that I'm still passing an action,
i.e. doing some kind of RPC. My understanding is that in a 'pure' RESTful API
the only way to specify the action is via the HTTP method (get,post,put,delete).
 The second solution seems even worse as it mixes the action with the resource.

> You authenticate and then post to the account's close.

So, same approach:

POST /account/123
Content-Length: XXX

Again, this smells like RPC to me. 
And what if I want to close all accounts that have been inactive for at least a
year, without retrieving them one by one?
Would this approach: 

POST /account/?inactivityPeriod=365
Content-Length: XXX

be more appropriate than this one?
POST /account/
Content-Length: XXX

> You might want to look at the Atom protocol for a good example. 

I reviewed this protocol, but it seems to me that --with Atom- the entire
business logic is run on the client, letting the server act as a simple data
repository. In that case it's easy to have a 100% RESTful with no traces of RPC.



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