Hi Sean,

I think you nailed it.

That is exactly what I was hinting at (or atleast that was the
undercurrent) if teams want to use X framework for something they are
welcome to do it and frankly they will do it. But as a specification
you don't always have the leisure to accommodate all. And trying to do
that will just kinda "distract" you from other more important things.

And since it is about making a choice I think JDK's logging is
adequate for the specification. I am not saying it is better or worse.
But most importantly it is the logging solution that comes bundled
with the JDK/JRE. It is the path of least resistance. Yep that is the
sentence I was looking for.

And remember we are just talking logging here whats the next
issue/service that comes up?

And I am not convinced with putting another abstraction layer in
between like SL4J. Thank goodness that you don't propose it as a
possible solution .

Once again to recap: JDK logging is the best course not necessarily
the best solution.

I hope I don't sound too harsh or anything. I just wanted to thrash
out why I am so convinced that sticking with Java Logging makes sense.


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