Hi Jerome,

I apologize for beating that one to death, but I still have questions...

> It seems that the Atom Publishing Protocol spec slightly diverges from HTTP
> 1.1 spec on this case.

I'm sorry, I quoted an early draft. The current APP draft states:

   When the server generates a response with a status code of 201
   ("Created"), it SHOULD also return a response body, which if
   provided, MUST be an Atom Entry Document representing the newly-
   created resource.

They went from 'MUST also return a response body' to SHOULD. So, it's now less
of a divergence.

This point being clarified, I'd be interested in seeing how you'd implement 
the following scenario:
  - A collection contains images and videos
  - When the client creates an image (by POSTing to the collection),
    it expects to get back a thumb nail of
    that  image (if created successfully) in png format (the server is
    responsible for creating the thumbnail).

 [I know, it's a dumb example, for it's just for discussion's sake]

Here is what the client would send to create an image:

POST /collection
Name: mycat.jpg
Accept: image/png
< binary content>

What do CollectionResource's constructor and CollectionResource.post look 

The constructor defines the variants for a collection resource 
(getVariants.add(...)). Obviously,  image/png isn't one of them. Therefore, 
CollectionResource.getPreferredVariant returns null.
Now,  CollectionResource.post must create an ImageResource, 
and return a representation of this resource by calling 
ImageResource.getRepresentation(Variant variant).
Does does CollectionResource.post know that the preferred variant is

My guess: 

 post(...) {
     ImageResource image = new ImageResource(...);
     // find the factory and client info
     Variant v = factory.getPreferredVariant(clientInfo,
     return image.getRepresentation(v);

It is my understanding that you'd have to follow this pattern every time you
create a resource by POSTing to a collection.


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