I wanted to set up something like is shown in the tutorial component diagram
where there are VirtualHost A and B and Application 1, 2, and 3. I'm using
RC3 and my code looks like this:

public class ComponentServer {
  public static final String DOC_URI
  public static final String JAR_URI
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Component component = new Component();
    component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);

    VirtualHost vh1 = new VirtualHost(component.getContext());
    Application application1 = new Application(component.getContext()) {
        @Override public Restlet createRoot() {
            Directory directory = new Directory(getContext(), DOC_URI);
            return directory;

    VirtualHost vh2 = new VirtualHost(component.getContext());
    Application application2 = new Application(component.getContext()) {
      @Override public Restlet createRoot() {
        Restlet jarRestlet = new Restlet(getContext()) {
          @Override public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
            FileRepresentation frep = new FileRepresentation(JAR_URI,
              MediaType.APPLICATION_JAVA_ARCHIVE, 1000);
        return jarRestlet;

    vh1.attach("/docs", application1);
    vh2.attach("/jar", application2);

I can access "/docs" but "/jar" is not resolved. I get:
"The server has not found anything matching the request URI"

I tried looking at the code but got lost trying to figure out the dispatching
of the handle() method to the handler. I kept going in circles and never
could find where the servers list was being used.

Any help appreciated.

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