Hello Matthieu,

I succeed in lauching this tutorial example with the following jars in the classpath :
 - org.restlet.example.jar
 - org.restlet.jar
 - com.noelios.restlet.jar
 - com.nelios.restlet.ext.httpclient_3.1.jar
 - org.apache.commons.httpclient.jar
 - org.apache.commons.logging.jar
 - org.apache.commons.codec.jar

It should work!!

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau


I've been using Restlet for a couple of month to set up a REST based web
application, and that's a great framework.
I switched to RC5 a couple of days ago, and right after that I tried to use
Restlet to build a generic web client, intended to send requests to various web
sites. Basically I've tied the exact code example mentionned in Tutorial Part 2,
but I can't have it working: response.getEntity() always returns null, on
whatever site I tried (restlet.org, google.com, etc), whereas I would expect to
get the content of the web server response.

I'm wondering if there's a bug or if I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the
Client class: is it actually sensible to use the Client class as a generic web
client or just a wrong idea, should that work?

Thanks for your help.


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