Hello Stokes,

the behaviour of variables is based on the URI specification (http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/rfc/rfc3986.html). This spec definies precisely each part of an Uri, give them a name and a list of allowed characters.
For example :
- a segment can contain alphabetical characters, digital characters, and the "=" character...
- a query is "like" a segment except that it can contain "/" and "?"...
That makes the difference!

Given the following Uri template : "/foos/{fooid}?{fooQuery}".
If the "fooid" and "fooQuery" variables are defined as segments (which is the default type), the following Url will be matched : "/foos/123?key=value".
We all agree that this query is "normal".
However, the following query is also correct but will not be matched the Uri template : "/foos/123?key=value?key2=value?"...

If you think that your queries will be "normal", just keep the default variable type, otherwise change it to "TYPE_URI_QUERY".

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Thierry Boileau <thboileau <at> gmail.com> writes:

I forget : you also need to set the "equals" mode when routing to fooListFinder, otherwise this route will catch the "garbage" URLs.
Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Thanks, that worked for me.  I did need the "?{fooQuery}" part, although I
forgot to add the Variable part and it still worked as I expected.  What does
the new Variable do?


route = component.getDefaultHost().attach("/foos/{fooid}?{fooQuery}", , <FooFinder>);
//In this case, the variable "fooQuery" is redefined : it's a query variable, and it is not required (in order to allow such URIs : /foos/123?). Variable variable = new Variable(Variable.TYPE_URI_QUERY, "", false, false);
       route.getTemplate().getVariables().put("fooQuery", variable);

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