I've run into a snag where I've set an attribute on the context
to pass along environment information to parts of my application.  When I
pass the attribute via the context in the constructor, the constructor can
get access to the attribute but later on the getContext() method's return
doesn't have that attribute.  I assume that is because the "parent" context's
attributes aren't available to the "current" context.

So, I'm doing something like:

  public PingApplication(Context context)
     agentContext = new AgentContext(context);

  public Restlet createRoot() {
     agentContext = new AgentContext(getContext());


In the createRoot(), the getContext() call is return a different instance.

Should the attributes of the parent be available?

If not, how is one suppose to pass along contextual configuration
information to parts of your application.

In my case, each Application instance is loaded from specific
jar files and given a number of environment objects via attirbutes
on the Context instance.   Should I be doing this differently?

A similar use case would be the "JDBC data source" in that if
the application creates the data source, how does should it pass that
along to arbitrary resources that use the data source?

It also isn't clear what the difference between parameters and attributes
of are in the context.

Finally, in some situations (like my agent example where I load an
jar file containing the application), I want to provide access to
certain objects via, say, attributes but I don't want the Application
instance to be able to change that object.  Since getAttributes() and
getParameters() return modifiable collections, that gets a bit

I've now resorted to:

     Context agentContext = new Context() {
        Map<String,Object> attrs =
        public Map<String,Object> getAttributes() {
           return attrs;
        public Uniform getDispatcher() {
           return getContext().getDispatcher();
        public Logger getLogger() {
           return getContext().getLogger();
        public Series<Parameter> getParameters() {
           return getContext().getParameters();

but that seems like it might be useless if the context is shadowed somehow.

--Alex Milowski

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