Hello Geoff,

you followed the right intuition, it works.
I send you a sample application attached to this mail based on your code.
Take care to provide in your classpath the right dependencies as this application depends on 2 connectors, one client and one server (see this page [1])

I hope this will help you,
Thierry Boileau

[1] : http://www.restlet.org/documentation/1.0/connectors

I can successfully process a form that is POSTED by a Web browser using the
Restlet API, however it is unclear how to create a form and post it using the API. I have tried the following code but the form data does not get picked up by the form processing code. Can you please advise?

Form form = new Form();
form.add("data", "fred");

Representation webForm = form.getWebRepresentation();
Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);      
Response response = client.post(url.toString(), webForm);


Attachment: testPost.jar
Description: Binary data

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