
Is this change going to be seen in the 1.0.x line? I was looking for it in 1.0.2, but not seeing it. I need Vary: Authorization header support as well (I need it for a different reason, however).

Also, due to lack of support, how do I add to Vary header?  I'm calling:

Form myheaders = new Form();
myheaders.add("Vary", "Authorization");
response.getAttributes.put("org.restlet.http.headers", myheaders);

However, it seems that the Vary header is overwritten somewhere else. The actual header coming off the server ends up being:

Vary: Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Accept

I'm missing the "Authorization" part. Where is this Vary header being generated?



Jerome Louvel wrote:
Hi Stian,

Excellent idea. I have added a Dimension.AUTHORIZATION enum entry and
supported it in the HTTP client and server connectors. Checked in SVN trunk.

Best regards,
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Stian Soiland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : lundi 11 juin 2007 22:44
À :
Objet : Vary: Authorization with Dimensions

After a discussion on rest-discuss[1] we came to some conclusion that a clean way for a client to find it's own user resource based on it's authentication would ideally be something like:

GET /users;current  (or HEAD)
Authorization: (basic: stain:****)

307 Temporary redirect
Location: /users/stain
Vary: Authorization
Cache-Control: private

So the resource /users;current varies by Authorization (it is put behind a userguard to require auth), and it redirects to whatever is the current user's home.

(Vary says which headers in the client's request will make the response vary, typically Accept-Charset etc.)

Now I can't set the Vary header manually (it's one of the restricted headers), but Restlet provides a property called Dimensions for this purpose. The closest I could get was:

public class CurrentUserResource extends Resource {
public CurrentUserResource(Context context, Request req, Response response) {
                super(context, req, response);

        private static URIFactory uriFactory = URIFactory.getInstance();

        public void handleGet() {
// Set headers to indicate that this redirection is only valid with
                // current Authorization

                Form additionalHeaders = new Form();
                additionalHeaders.add("Cache-Control", "private");

// FIXME: Should be able to do Vary: Authorization instead of *
                //additionalHeaders.add("Vary", "Authorization");


                User user =
                        (User) getContext().getAttributes().get(

However Dimension.UNSPECIFIED would send a Vary: * so that all headers cause vary, but it's only Authorization that does.

Is it possible to add Vary: Authorized in some other way? The current Dimension enum doesn't have anything close.

        additionalHeaders.add("Vary", "Authorization");


WARNING: Addition of the standard header "Vary" is not allowed. Please use the Restlet API instead.

(even if getResponse().getDimensions() is empty, as when using handleGet())


Stian Soiland, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

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