I use spring aop and cglib and it works well for me. I do appreciate problems with cglib and proxys however.

I also use my own version of SpringRouter to map uri and resources and to "filter" them with globally before and after filter lists. I also have filters set on my individual resources. I find it works well and that spring extensions do satisfy my needs (even though they need some tweaking).

Best regaards,

Jonathan Hall

Valdis Rigdon wrote:
Adam Taft wrote:

Ultimately, no matter how we get there, Resource needs to be a stateless in order to work well with Ioc.
Having used Spring and Restlet together on my current project I disagree. I can't speak for other IoC frameworks, but Spring provides multiple way to inject other beans into "stateful" (or prototype) beans. I like the fact that Resources are not singletons and I don't have to pass along Request, Resource, etc. to every method that may or may not need them. For those that have used Struts, I can't count how many times I've seen non-thread safe code in Struts Actions. It's just a bug waiting to happen.

To retrieve new instances of classes with injected resources define your bean with 'scope="prototype"' in your Spring configuration and then use one of the following:

1. Use @Configurable and AspectJ (see Chapter 6 of the Spring documentation) 2. Use Spring AOP and cglib extensions via lookup-method (see SpringFinder)
3.  Call  ApplicationContext.getBean("beanId")

I'm currently using option 1 with compile-time weaving under Maven2 and it's works great.

In addition, Jerome's suggestion of a SpringRouter makes perfect sense. I've implemented something similar but it's an extension to Application. It's a simple bean with (1) a Map for URI to Resource classes, (2) a Map for URI to Restlet instances and (3) a Map for URI to "guarded" Resources. One can also set the default Resource as well as provide the Guard to use for the "guarded" resources. We've also added an ApplicationContextAwareFinder which allows Resource classes to implement ApplicationContextAware and have a handle to the ApplicationContext if needed. I could clean it up a bit and share it if anyone is interested.


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