That works OK, so long as you're not using proxies for other things, like Spring DAO transaction management.

The "lookup-method" there will create a cglib based proxy, which has potential to conflict if you have other cglib based proxies working in your configuration. I know for a fact this does not work when I'm using Springs transaction management functionality, for example.

Or, possibly one doesn't want the cglib dependency at all.

So, yes that's also a solution. But, it's not the simple (preferred?) "spring way."


Jonathan Hall wrote:
org.restlet.ext.spring_2.0 has SpringFinder. So it's a case of :

   <bean id="my" class="org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder">
       <lookup-method name="createResource" bean="myResource"/>

   <bean id="myResource" class="com.blah.myResource" scope="prototype"/>

I use restlet via a servlet, I have to jump through some hoops but it can mostly be wired via spring.


Adam Taft wrote:

One of the "bigger" problems you'll have (in my opinion) is integration of Restlet's Resource classes within your Spring framework. A Restlet Resource will generally be the class you'll want talking to your spring backend (like your spring DAOs, etc.). However, the Resource instances are created per request in a stateful manner (not stateless like a traditional spring bean). So, you have to play some tricks.

To get around this, you'll need to use a custom Finder class. Various people have contributed different implementations of Finder which works with Spring. I've got one posted in a previous email which you're free to use (or I can send it to you).

Jerome has made a lot of changes which will help in configuring Spring. I think most of these changes are in the 1.1 branch, but they may be in the main 1.0 branch as well. Not sure. But, he's added a lot of traditional getter/setter methods (javabean style). So, that helps a lot. But, you'll still have to deal with Resource instances being created per request by the Restlet framework.

Yes, you are right though. There is no real reason for the SpringContext. You can use your spring configuration file to map your urls to the right Restlet (Filter, Router, Finder, etc.). So, I don't think you're missing anything there.

Hope this helps,


Kim Pepper wrote:
I'm just starting out with the Restlet framework after reading the excellent RESTful Web Services book. I've had a lot of experience with Spring MVC and
Hibernate web applications, but it doesn't cut it for RESTful web

However, I want to reuse the spring managed objects and Data Access Objects from my existing projects. I also want to remove the dependency on Servlets
and use the Restlet framework supported by Jetty or AsyncWeb.

I'm confused by the need for the SpringContext? I assume you can just create
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext passing the applicationContext.xml. All you need is the map of url => SpringFinder beans for each of your resources. Am
I missing something?

Also, has anyone tried wiring an entire application with Spring? A few
BeanFactory's here and there would do the trick!

-- Kim

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