Hi Regis,

I've justed with your formResource and it works well (POST or PUT) in a sample application which only routes all calls to your "FormResource".
Actually, the problem is not here. I think that I have an explanation.
As said by Jerome, there is a TunnnelService that allows to make PUT calls only by setting a "method" query parameter. All instances of the "Application" class owns their own tunnel filter, there is no need to create it again (either in constructor or "createRoot" method as I see in com.webmd.restlet.app.RestApplication class) which may be the cause of your problems.

I hope this can help you even if it comes very late.
best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Here is the code of my sample Component and its inner Application class :

       Component component = new Component();
       component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 80);
component.getDefaultHost().attach("/testRegis", new Application(component.getContext()){
           public Restlet createRoot() {
               Router router = new Router(getContext());
return router;

Nobody can help me ? Aith my buggy situation ?

Thanks for any advice.... Maybe it is not possible to get the form at this time in the put method ?

    On 8/23/07, *regis regis* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Nop, it is the same behavior same error !
        (but i check another time even i did before....).


        PS; maybe you are right, it is a bug...

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