Hi Patson,

did you try with several clients such as IE, FireFox?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

On 10/10/07, Patson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patson <patson.luk <at> timesearchinc.com> writes:
> >
> > Hi all. I have started using restlet since last month and am impressed
> with
> the
> > simplicity it offers.
> >
> > However, I bumped into a problem with using Guards earlier and could not
> figure
> > out a good way to get around it.
> >
> > Basically I have one Restlet "TestRestlet" that handles both GET and
> > requests. However, they have different URI patterns.
> >
> > For example, GET request would have pattern of /testGet/user/{userId}
> > and POST request would have pattern of /testPost
> >
> > Hence if I type http://localhost:8080/testGet/user/ABC, the request
> would be
> > mapped to the GET handling of the TestRestlet and it would return, say a
> form in
> > html format and the use can click submit on that form which points to
> > http://localhost:8080/testPost
> >
> > I have one single Guard:
> >
> > Guard testGuard= new TestGuard(getContext()
> >                 , ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC
> >                 , "test Access Control"; //my TestGuard class, same as
> Guard...
> > Restlet testRestlet = new TestRestlet(getContext());
> > testGuard.setNext(testRestlet);
> > router.attach("/testGet/user/{userId}", testGuard);
> > router.attach("/testPost", testGuard);
> >
> > Now, if I access /testGet/user/ABC, it would ask me for authentication
> (401
> > response), which is fine. After I input the user name and password, it
> would
> > then return the html form which points to /testPost (which is fine too).
> Now, if
> > I submit that form, I would get 401 response again...and the web browser
> > obviously was confused (keep saying loading) and its stuck.
> >
> > My expectation is that the server should not give 401 status code the
> 2nd
> time
> > (since it has already authenticated on the GET request and they are
> sharing
> the
> > same Guard). The funny part is that if I change the pattern
> > "/testGet/user/{userId}" into just "/testGet" then all goes fine...
> >
> > I am not sure if its a bug or if its some stupid problem that I
> made...can
> > anyone plz gimme some pointers plz?
> >
> > The Restlet jar I am using is the version 3.1 one. The server is the
> Simple
> > server and Simple Framework.
> >
> > Many thanks in advance!!!
> >
> >
> Jerome Louvel <contact <at> noelios.com> writes:
> Hi Jerome,
> Many thanks for the reply! I have tried to removed the spaces in the
> authentication realm name but still no luck. Anyway, I sent you the zipped
> project in an e-mail. In order to test it:
> 1. Unzip and import the project (I am using eclipse)
> 2. Run the main class RestServer that starts the server
> 3. Open your browser, key in url http://localhost:8080/testGet/user/123
> 4. It would prompt u for authentication, simply enter something (doesnt
> check
> anything)
> 5. enter something in the box and click "submit Query"
> 6. you will see in ur console log that another 401 response was issued by
> the
> server, however, the broswer is unable to handle it (keeps loading)
> Again, Many thanks for your help!!

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