Stephan Koops <Stephan.Koops <at>> writes:

> Hello Chuck,
> there is a start for a solution for included in Restlet: the Metadata 
> Service. It is for now only used by the 
> com.noelios.restlet.application.TunnelFilter. But you can create a 
> filter that does this, and use the MetadataService. It includes a lot of 
> file extensions.
> I think, other people are happy, if they can use this filter also. I 
> think it is good if you open an enhancement issue for this and add your 
> Filter class file as attachment, so that Jerome or Thierry could include 
> this in the official version. (Jerome, I hope it's ok that I wrote this 
>  )
> BTW: ".js" is the typical file extension for javascript. Use ".json"
> best regards
>    Stephan
Thanks - I'll crank out a filter.

One quick's clear to me how I'd get the extension, and how to
lookup the metadata, but it's not clear how to propagate that to the resource. 
 How do I properly set the variant?

- cmort

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