I think/hope that this should be a fairly simple issue to resolve... :)

I am trying to get into Restlet, and its slow work. I have been going through the tutorials and trying out the example code and I've hit a piece of code that
I can't compile.

It is in Section 3:

    // Creating a minimal Restlet returning "Hello World"
    Restlet restlet = new Restlet() {
        public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
            response.setEntity("Hello World!", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);

I am new to Java and can only assume this 'new' instantiation syntax creates an inline subclass with the 'handle(..)' method overridden. I've have knocked up some simple test code and found that you cannot define new methods, but you can override existing ones in this manner.

It also seems that the Override annotation is unnecessary, it simply generates a compiler error if the method doesn't infact override a method in the super class.

In the above example, I get the following error with the Override notation:

method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

The error message does not seem correct though, as I can create a new class that extends the Restlet class that overrides this method and uses the Override notation, and does not generate this error. It also executes correctly.

Any help with this would be appreciated as it seems that the tutorials continue to use this form of syntax.

Thanks in advance

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