I am afraid that making this a default feature of application a bit

Why not create a filter to do this? Users can then apply the filter if they
want this feature.

It might be possible the ".xxx" suffix is not served as a file extension
rather than a special meaning for a service, If the URI reference is cut,
this might be a problem.

Sometimes the request URL

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Jerome Louvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have started to discuss with Chuck Mortimer and Stephan Koops the
> support
> of file extensions to influence the content negotiation in Restlet. This
> is
> tracked in the following RFE:
> "Support variant selection based on file extension"
> http://restlet.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=463
> The solution we are now considering is to enhance the TunnelService (one
> for
> each application) to support the automatic modification of the "Accept",
> "Accept-Language", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Charset" headers (actually
> the
> Restlet equivalents in ClientInfo) based on the given file extensions and
> on
> the metadata associated (via the MetadataService).
> When processing a request with a resourceRef having file extensions, the
> idea is to update the client preferences and cut the URI reference to
> remove
> the extensions. With this, the application itself would not know or have
> to
> care about which way was used to select the variants (via Accept* headers,
> via tunnel query parameters or via tunnel file extensions).
> Also, we want to enable it by default and to refactor the Directory
> Restlet
> to take advantage of it instead of its internal mechanism. Any opinion on
> this new feature before we start coding it?
> Best regards,
> Jerome

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