Stephen Mc Namara <sjmcnamara <at>> writes:

> Hi Rhett 
> thanks for replying. I'll take a look at the links you sent later
> today. 
> In the meantime I've switched back to using the NRE ServerServlet with
> a custom Application that wires in a manager obj to create a Router
> whose config is fed from the applicationContext.xml. The spring config
> uses the SpringFinfer to overload createResource. It all works but I'd
> still like to understand what was wrong with my first approach. If
> anyone has any insights please send them along.
> cheers,
> -s

I'm using a similar Spring + Restlet 1.1 + Tomcat setup and ran into similar
issue of always getting 404. After some debugging I tracked my problem down to
have "/*" as my servlet mapping which was causing
HttpServletRequest.getServletPath() to return "". Restlet was using that result
to determine what the base path was so ended up using the whole path
"http://localhost:1234/blah/56"; when matching against the routes, so of course
"/blah/{id}" isn't going to match.

Not sure if you were having the same issue, but thought I'd post just incase.



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