On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Bao,Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, I will be sticking to the 1.0.9 until 1.1 goes to release.  So I'll 
> try modifying the RestletServerTestCase, and see what happens.  Thanks.

You should also look at HttpUnit and Selenium for testing, which test
other clients against your web server. HttpUnit integrates well with
JUnit and TestNG, while Selenium verifies your site works in the
various browsers -the hard part is automating the test setup with IE6,
IE7, firefox, opera *and* Safari.

Admittedly, these are functional and not unit tests, but I've drifted
into doing nothing but functional testing for most of my code, as it
gets good coverage fast, and, given a choice, I'd like to know the
whole app works over the individual pieces working in a constrained
environment. When a functional test fails, I start breaking things
down into more detail.


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