Dear Restlet community, Jerome, and Edward,

Regarding Restlet and OSGi, even with the proper manifest I still need to do this:

// Manually set the Restlet implementation, otherwise it won't be able to
       // find it even though com.noelios.* bundles are installed
org.restlet.util.Engine.setInstance(new com.noelios.restlet.Engine());

I believe this is a ugly workaround (but works), and should not be needed. (I think it's not needed for non-OSGi app, but I haven't tried Restlet without OSGi, big sorry)

Otherwise, Restlet will complain "Cannot find implementation" thingy.

I suspect this is a problem with Restlet's way of classloading stuff...

Edward gives another consideration that it makes it impossible (?) to load more than one implementation at once. (you should be able to load more than one implementation of the same API, like logging, http service, etc. including restlet)

Hendy Irawan

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