Jerome Louvel wrote:
Hi Edward, Peter, and all,

Thanks for the feed-back and the help propositions. I'm really excited about
moving the OSGi integration forward!

So, I started to write some specifications on the Restlet-OSGi integration
in our wiki:

If you could have a look and comment (here or on the wiki), that would be

Best regards,
PS: Sorry, but I won't be at J1 or JAX this year.

Thanks Jerome. I'll try to put something on there.

I have a quick comment though: Regarding the Log service, I favor Apache CL API to OSGi Logging (people might disagree). e.g. Spring framework uses ApacheCL. Besides, ApacheCL implementation OSGi bundles are already widely available. (bundled with Eclipse, Eclipse IDE itself uses ApacheCL) But I love pax-logging more (thanks to Edward) (pax-logging is logging implementation bundle for numerous logging APIs)
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Peter Kriens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : mercredi 23 avril 2008 11:52
À : Edward Yakop
Cc : Jerome Louvel;
Objet : Re: Restlet, JSR-311 and OSGi (was Re: Please remove Require-Bundle)

I am terribly busy at the moment but I am very interested to help this getting to work. I am now at JAX in Wiesbaden but I will also be in J1. Any chance to meet?

For this type of problems, please take a look at the "OSGi whiteboard pattern". It would be nice if the programmer that had a restlet could just register a REST service in the OSGi service registry that would be picked up by the rest bundle. Metadata like the URI can be encoded in the properties of the service. This model makes it trivial to provide a rest oriented IO.

Anyway, if there are any direct questions do not hesitate to ask me. Please send me design info so I can comment.

If there are any companies involved that are also OSGi members, then it could be useful to think about standardizing this in the future.

Hope this helps, kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

On 23 apr 2008, at 04:51, Edward Yakop wrote:


I will check out restlet code a.s.a.p. and verify whether my initial
thought still valid.

My comments are inline.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 3:43 AM, Jerome Louvel
Yes in the sense that Jetty is already doing this with the
OSGi HTTP Service. (i.e. Jetty implements the OSGi
HttpService specification) This makes it possible not just
for the application developer to not have to worry about how
to configure Jetty, but also for the *other* bundle
developers not having to worry which HTTP Server
(implementation) the host application uses and how it will
tell the host application to configure itself.
OK, that makes sense. Using our Servlet adapter we could easily leverage the
OSGi HTTP service.
This is correct.

What I mean is Restlet will expose an (or more) OSGi service
when started as a bundle. Of course, this means that Restlet
will need to have an OSGi Activator, which depends on (at
least) OSGi core API, so this might be a restlet.ext instead
of a core.
Yes, we would need a new "com.noelios.restlet.ext.osgi"
module. It
provide a RestletService to register Restlet Applications.
I don't think doing the "http service" way of doing things is easier
for the user.
I think it would be better for user to register Restlet exposed
service and let the
restlet bundle to track these services instead.

This way, The user doesn't need to do additional work to
track restlet
service, and
register their restlet context (not sure about the term).

The goal is, simply adding the appropriate RESTlet Jars
(including, like restlet.ext.osgi) will expose Restlet as a
service, so it can be used as normal. Edward Yakop from suggested this, and I really like his idea, (but
not sure yet how to execute it).
We would need the following JARs:
 - org.restlet.jar
 - com.noelios.restlet.jar
 - com.noelios.restlet.ext.servlet.jar
 - com.noelios.restlet.ext.osgi.jar

"Support for OSGI plugin framework"
Cool. will look into this.

Edward Yakop

Hendy Irawan

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