
Thanks for this, Thierry!

I have changed some names, made some more objects (a Component, Application, and Resource ...) and wrapped it up into an Eclipse project with Ant build script, hosted mode launcher, and a working server side, added tomcat's web.xml, embedded the Restlet jars, and made the file available on the Restlet wiki on the GWT documentation page. I also put some of the code snippets into the page directly.

This will have to hold us for a little bit until a bigger and better example comes along. But I hope that most people can just pop this into Eclipse and get past most of the configurational pain.

- Rob

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 6:03 AM, Thierry Boileau <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    One part is developped with the gwt technology and aims at
    building a simple HTML page. It integrates also a simple AJAX call
    to the server part therefore it relies also on the
    "" package which is the integration of both GWT
    and Restlet (client only) technologies. All sources and libraries
    (except GWT) are located in the "" file attached to
    this mail. It contains only one source file called "".

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