Hello Murilo,

I wonder if you can use the Redirector Restlet instead in "dispatcher" mode => http://www.restlet.org/documentation/1.1/api/org/restlet/Redirector.html
You may need to override the "redirectDispatcher" method.

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


I'm using restlet with Mule (www.mulesource.org <http://www.mulesource.org>).

We have a system with 3 layer. A web layer (using Joomla), ESB layer (using Mule+Restlet) and Services layer (using Apache + PHP).

Joomla makes a request through ESB layer to Services layer.

So... I need receive this request, send this to Services and return to Joomla. My mappings is alright and working.

So... We put a Basic Authorization on requests to Joomla access the Services layer through the ESB layer, and my problems started.

I create to classes. A class extends Application and another class extends Resource.

1. public class EsbApplication extends Application {

2.    private static Properties properties = null;

3.    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EsbApplication.class

4.    @Override
5.    public Restlet createRoot() {
6.        Router router = new Router(getContext());
7.        router.attachDefault(MainResource.class);
8.        return router;
9.    }

11.public class MainResource extends Resource {
12. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 13. public MainResource(Context context, Request request, Response response) {
14.        super(context, request, response);
15.        getVariants().add(new Variant(MediaType.TEXT_XML));
16.    }
17. @Override
18.    public Representation getRepresentation(Variant variant) {
19. String url = EsbApplication.getProperty("services.url") + getRequest().getResourceRef();
20.        // Prepare the request
21.        Request request = new Request(Method.GET, url);

22.        // Handle it using an HTTP client connector
23.        Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTPS);
24.        Response response = client.handle(request);
25. return response.getEntity();
26.    }

So I receive a request with basic authorization on Restlet application. But on the line 24 I debug the response object and on status has Unauthorized (401). But when I return (line 25) it send a 200 Ok to the Joomla.

I'm sure I'm doing mistakes. But I'm not know where. I didn't know if this is the better approach to this structure.

I read the tutorial and I think I need mix the 10 and 11 parts to do it.

So... Can someone help me? Or send me some links to clarify my doubts.

Thanks in advance.


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