Hi There-

I have been using restlet for a few weeks steady now and love it but now have a 
problem with spring and servlets and complete integration. I am using as a base 
the spring cvs repository pointed to on the wiki and using. Here is my 
situation, not sure if I am attacking it correctly or if i can.

I want to make modifications to my 'base application' that is used in my 
servlet with the spring router. For example suppose I have a base application 
like this:

// Extends Application
public HwApplication() {
                TunnelService ts = new TunnelService(true,true,true,true,true);

Here is one of the variations of my applicationContext-router.xml file that I 
used. I thought this would work from the docs on the wiki.

<bean id="application" class="com.hw.rest.HwApplication">

        <bean id="root" class="org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringRouter">
                <constructor-arg ref="application" />
                <property name="attachments">
                                <entry key="/foo"                  
value="com.hw.rest.HwResource" />

What happens is that when com.hw.rest.HwResource is used it does not have a 
handle to my application but a generic restlet application. I have tried a 
variety of things from the wiki examples and also the CVS repo and nothing 
seems to work. So in my use case I am not getting the tunneling or the media 
conversion i need via my custom application..

Somewhere something is not getting bound correctly. This is happening in the 
servlet situation only. I am digging around the code now the best I can to see 
where things get switched up. I obviously and more sure on the correct binding 

If anybody has advice or an example from their own work that does this I am 
super appreciative!



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