Hi There

This is more of a holistic ?? on restlet. I have been using it for months and 
now we have a 'restful' project at work. I.e. our first one. I am pushing hard 
for restlet but we also have some people who want to try jersey or even write 
some layer on top of spring mvc or look at struts 2...

 Here are my requirements.

1) All our responses will have some 'envelope' in terms of the response data. 
I.e. if we serve xml all responses would have a simliar format. e.g.

  <error codes>
      Here would be error codes like 'param not found'
  <error codes>
   ....// concrete data here based on java object type....

I did this quite easily by creating a 'template' resources that handles a lot 
of the uniform plumbing (error catching, creating response object) and 
subclassed with concrete resources that would return the 'real data' via some 
template method. This worked lovely. I also used spring which was great as I 
could have state in my resources...

Another desire is to parse the return type based on some uri param. i.e.

//mywsite/cars/123 -> return xml default
//mywsite/cars/123?format=txt -> return txt if supported by resource.. and NOT

Once again this shined with the great tunnel service.. I also used jibx on my 
domain models and once again used the Jibx Representation and it shined.

The one down side my co-workers see is the lack of binding url params to some 
kind of bean element (like Struts, spring mvc etc) and that we would have to 
write our own. 

They are also curious about the 'scale' of restlet (if for example as a stand 
alone app) and the number of concurrent requests we can take at any given time. 
I will poke around at the code too see if i can dig up anything.

Anyways.. This was a long rant but if anybody has some thoughts about how to 
convince my work to use RESTLET over others that would be great.

In advance, thanks.



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