Hi all,

 I have an restlet application which is working very well running standalone. 
But I need to deploy it in a Tomcat. When I try to access my app I always get 
the following screen:

Unable to return the xml representation.

You can get technical details here.
Please continue your visit at our home page.

 The log looks like this:
17.03.2009 17:19:15 com.noelios.restlet.LogFilter afterHandle
INFO: 2009-03-17        17:19:15       -       
8080    GET     /MyApp/cars     -       417     313     -       213     
http://localhost:8080   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; 
rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)    -

 Using versions: Tomcat 5.5.27, Restlet 1.1.3

 Thank you in advance,


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