I have also tried adding the following context parameter to my web.xml  
but am still getting '404'

     <param-value>HTTP HTTPS CLAP FILE</param-value>

On 02/04/2009, at 7:32 AM, Jim Alateras wrote:

> Abit more information. When I start the restlet application in my
> Jetty container I see the following
> Apr 2, 2009 7:27:53 AM org.restlet.Connector <init>
> WARNING: The connector has been instantiated without any protocol.
> When I add the following code to my Application
>               getConnectorService().getClientProtocols().add(Protocol.HTTP);
>               getConnectorService().getClientProtocols().add(Protocol.CLAP);
> restart the server and attempt to access a URL i get a HTTP '500'
> response and I see the following
> Apr 2, 2009 7:29:36 AM org.restlet.Connector <init>
> WARNING: The connector has been instantiated without any protocol.
> Apr 2, 2009 7:29:37 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ComponentHelper
> checkVirtualHost
> SEVERE: Unable to start the application "null". Client connector for
> protocol HTTP is missing.
> Apr 2, 2009 7:29:37 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ComponentHelper
> checkVirtualHost
> SEVERE: Unable to start the application "null". Client connector for
> protocol CLAP is missing.
> Apr 2, 2009 7:29:37 AM com.noelios.restlet.ChainHelper handle
> On 01/04/2009, at 9:36 PM, Jim Alateras wrote:
>> I am using 1.1.3 and am having an issue using the CLAP connector to
>> serve static content in the classpath. Here is what I have
>> web.xml
>> =======
>> <context-param>
>>    <param-name>org.restlet.application</param-name>
>>    <param-
>> value>au.com.observant.ringocore.application.RingoCoreApplication</
>> param-value>
>>  </context-param>
>>  <context-param>
>>    <param-name>log4jConfigLocation</param-name>
>>    <param-value>/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties</param-value>
>>  </context-param>
>>  <context-param>
>>    <param-name>log4jRefreshInterval</param-name>
>>    <param-value>1000</param-value>
>>  </context-param>
>>  <context-param>
>>     <param-name>org.restlet.clients</param-name>
>>     <param-value>HTTP HTTPS CLAP FILE</param-value>
>>   </context-param>
>>  <listener>
>>    <listener-class>org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener</
>> listener-class>
>>  </listener>
>>  <servlet>
>>    <servlet-name>ringo</servlet-name>
>>    <servlet-class>com.noelios.restlet.ext.servlet.ServerServlet</
>> servlet-class>
>>    <init-param>
>>      <param-name>ringo.app.context</param-name>
>>      <param-value>${ringocore.app.context}</param-value>
>>    </init-param>
>>    <load-on-startup>0</load-on-startup>
>>  </servlet>
>>    <!-- Syslog Servlet Mapping -->
>>  <servlet-mapping>
>>    <servlet-name>ringo</servlet-name>
>>    <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>  </servlet-mapping>
>> </web-app>
>> RingoCoreApplication
>> ==================
>> In here i attach the following route to the router
>>              Directory directory = new Directory(getContext(), 
>> "clap://thread/ 
>> au/
>> com/observant/ringocore/");
>>              directory.setNegotiateContent(false);
>>              directory.setListingAllowed(true);
>>              directory.setIndexName("index");
>>              router.attach("/gviz", directory);
>> I suspect that the url /gviz/blah maps to the resource classapth:/u/
>> com/observant/ringocore/blah. Is that correct? when I attempt to
>> access any resource (http://localhost:9080/ringo/gviz/) i get a '404'
>> When I debug the application i notice that
>> RingoCoreApplication.connectorService.clientProtocols is an empty
>> array, which i suspect is the root cause of the problem.
>> Any advice would be much appreciated?
>> cheers
>> </jima>
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=1505695
> cheers
> </jima>
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=1510490



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