I'm using the 2.0M3 version of Restlet with JDK 1.6 in a Fedora Core 8 
environment.  My View Layer uses the included FreeMarker.

I'd like to be able to paginate my search results in my Restlet Web 
Application as the user can easily return hundreds of results.  I've 
searched around and came across the Value List Holder Design Pattern, 
but I'm not sure it meets my needs.

The fundamental problem I see is caching the entire result set 
somewhere.  The alternative is to hit the database each time, which in 
my case is plausible since Hibernate has built-in pagination, but then 
I'm relying on my Persistence Layer to do pagination.

Has anyone successfully done RESTful pagination in Restlet, or Java in 
general?  I know Ruby on Rails has a way of caching it, but I don't know 
if it's the same as, say, a Session would do it in J2EE.

Many thanks!


Dustin N. Jenkins | Tel/Tél: 250.363.3101 | dustin.jenk...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

facsimile/télécopieur: (250) 363-0045

National Research Council Canada | 5071 West Saanich Rd, Victoria BC. 
V9E 2E7

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