I'm trying to use Jetty with a 2.0m3 stand alone application but am struggling 
despite having read a lot of documentation and web searching.  I extend a 
ServerResource and have the Jetty jars in my runtime path, but Restlet's 
internal http server is always started with whatever server/component I 
specify.  I want to use a ServerResource instead of the Restlet class and 
therefore can't seem to use any of the Server constructors (that require a 
Restlet instance) and thus the Jetty helper.

I would appreciate guidance and/or concrete example given the context below. 
Thank you.  

Jul 7, 2009 12:44:01 PM org.restlet.engine.http.StreamServerHelper start
INFO: Starting the internal HTTP server

public class TestComponent extends ServerResource() {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Component component = new Component();    
component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);        
component.getDefaultHost().attach("/testing", TestComponent.class);

    public String represent() {
        return "testing successful."



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