Hi Bruno,

Thanks for the quick response. You comments have spawned some ideas! Although I 

get to try anything else for a few days (I'm being pulled in several different 

directions by the  management!!), I will get back to it next week and keep the 

informed of my progress.

I should point out a couple of things that on second look are confusing.
First, the web.xml that I had in the initial posting isn't something I had been 

been using while running the code as the Java application I was spreaking of. 
The application I got working actually consists of a JAva application main()
that calls the start method of an org.restlet Component class. I created a 
class that 

extends org.restlet.Component (ServicesComponent) and the main starts it 
something like 


org.restlet.Component component = new ServicesComponent();
                new ServicesApplication(component.getContext()

The ServicesApplication is a class that extends org.restlet.Application and has
the SSL based code that I provided in the initial posting. The SSL based code 

something I was fooling with that ended working based on information from  
http://www.naviquan.com/blog/restlet-ssl, and 


s/html-chunked/output/s171.html#s173(without using the the 

com.noelios.restlet.ext.ssl.PkixSslContextFactory context factory).

When I started this as a Java application, I didn't need any other relavent 

configuration, no web.xml. I don't really understand how but somehow this 
starts up a 

Jetty Container. I am told (please correct if I am wrong) that somewhere in 

org.restlet.Component or org.restlet.Application code there is black box code 
that fires 

off a Jetty container. We do no special container based configuration for this.

As best as I understand it, to run this "deployed" as a web application in 

container, I need the web.xml, and need to set the conext-param parameter 

"org.restlet.application" to  my implementation/extension of an 

as described towards the top of this Javadoc: 


et.html. This will not involved the ServicesCompont extension of the component 

that I have in the peice of code above. We actually got the ServicesApplication 

this way to tomcat using Form authentication (with out the SSL code obviously).

Trying to deploy my applicaton to Weblogic is what I was trying to do with the 

Bruno, I'm going to try some things based on your input and will let the thread 
know how 

it works out, or post more targeted questions if I need to. If you can add 

based on my clarification here, it would be greatly appreciated. 
Thanks again!


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