Hi Tony,

Do you have the "org.restlet.ext.jetty.jar" and all its dependencies (see
the "lib/readme.txt" file) in your classpath? If so, it should be detected
by the engine and used instead of the internal HTTP server. There is really
nothing much to do... Which version of Restlet are you using?

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~ http://www.restlet.org
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~ http://www.noelios.com

-----Message d'origine-----
De : webp...@tigris.org [mailto:webp...@tigris.org] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 juillet 2009 21:15
À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
Objet : Jetty integration


I'm struggling to understand how to use Jetty as my http server with
Restlets 2.0m3 (not as a servlet).  I've read through as much documentation
as I can find and also searched for examples, but I can't seem to find a
simple concrete example for having a ServerResource class receive requests
via Jetty.   The log output always indicates that I am starting Restlet's
internal http server:  
Jul 7, 2009 12:44:01 PM org.restlet.engine.http.StreamServerHelper start
INFO: Starting the internal HTTP server

In the app's, main(), I do:
Component component = new Component();
component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);
component.getDefaultHost().attach("/testing", TestComponent.class);

TestComponent is a class that extends ServerResource and has one method with
@Get annotated.

The Jetty jars are in my runtime classpath.

Any pointers appreciated. Thanks.




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