Hi Rahul,

There's a known bug with SpringFinder in 2.0M4.  It will hopefully be  
fixed in the next milestone.



On Sep 12, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Rahul Juneja wrote:

> Here is my scenario. I am trying to inject some service in my  
> ServerResource class and its just not injecting the service.
> The steps I have performed are as follows.
>       <util:map id="resourceMap">
>               <entry key="/request">
>                       <bean id="configurationFinder"  
> class="org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder">
>                               <lookup-method name="createResource" 
> bean="requestResouce"/>
>                       </bean>
>               </entry>
>       </util:map>
>       <bean id="requestResouce" class="com.thoughtclicks.requestResource"  
> scope="prototype">
>               <property name="service" ref="serviceBean" />
>       </bean>
> Where serviceBean is already defined in the config file. also  
> Resource class is a simple Class extending ServerResource and having  
> a property called "service" with a public getter and setter of the  
> property.
> My application class is simple extending the Application class from  
> org.restlet.Application with the following code :
> @Override
>               public Restlet createRoot() {
>                       Router router = new Router(getContext());
>                       SpringContext springContext = new 
> SpringContext(getContext());
>                       XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlReader = new 
> XmlBeanDefinitionReader 
> (springContext);
>                       xmlReader.loadBeanDefinitions(new 
> ClassPathResource("resource/ 
> appContext.xml"));
>                       springContext.refresh();
>                       Map<String, Finder> resourceMap = (Map<String, Finder>) 
> springContext.getBean("resourceMap");
>                       for (String key : resourceMap.keySet())
>                       {
>                               router.attach(key, resourceMap.get(key));
>                   }
>                       return router;
>               }
> Not sure what is wrong as my service is returning null for some  
> reason and when i see the logs i don;t see my injection methods  
> being called.
> Any clues or pointers to this is highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Rahul


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