I concur.


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and  
I'm not sure about the former."  --Einstein

On Sep 14, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Rob Heittman wrote:

> Quick pragmatic security note on this:
> I actually disagree with this statement. Using GET to pass login
> parameters is fine, and in some cases preferable (particularly as it
> relates to client caching). If you're concerned about security, you
> should encrypt such requests using SSL (you really should do this
> regardless of the method used in this case).
> Most web servers include the full URL of each request in their  
> server logs.  These logs are not always automatically treated with  
> the privacy accorded to the password database.  This is one reason  
> that many prefer to send such data via POST, since entity bodies are  
> not typically recorded except in debugging situations.
> - Rob


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