Hi Dan,

You can't really do this with a ChallengeScheme/ChallengeResponse or 
something similar, since it the certificates are passed at the SSL/TLS 
layer, which is under HTTP.

If you don't want to use the system properties, you can use your own 
SslContextFactory passed as an argument to the client connector.

Best wishes,


Dan S wrote:
> I noticed the example on 
> http://wiki.restlet.org/docs_1.1/13-restlet/27-restlet/46-restlet/213-restlet.html
> which configures one way SSL between the server and client by setting the 
> system properties javax.net.ssl.trustStore, javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType, 
> javax.net.ssl.trustStore.Password
> for the client.
> I have a requirement to set up two way SSL and not to use the aforementioned 
> system properties. I am trying to piece together from the API how to do this. 
> I realize I have to use the org.restlet.data.ChallengeResponse. I was 
> thinking of using the constructor 
> ChallengeResponse(ChallengeScheme scheme, String identifier, 
> Series<Parameter> parameters). I just wasn't about a few things. For the 
> ChallengeScheme can I use ChallengeScheme.CUSTOM?
> What do I use for the identifier argument?
> For Series<Parameter> argument do I just load them much the same way they are 
> loaded on 
> http://wiki.restlet.org/docs_1.1/13-restlet/27-restlet/46-restlet/213-restlet.html
>  (just replacing with the context for the Client and adding the trustore 
> properties)?
> Is there anything else I might need?
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2396050


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