
We are using Restlet 2.0-SNAPSHOT from the Maven repo (which doesn't 
seem to have been updated since June btw) along with Tomcat, and we seem 
to be running into the "getText() returns null" bug alot. I read the bug 
threads on Restlet (id: 843) and Tomcat (id: 42996) issue trackers, and 
from what I could understand the last conclusion was that it was a 
Restlet problem, and that it was fixed.

But, we are still seeing it. In our case we are not using annotations at 
all (which was indicated as a culprit), just a plain ServerResource that 
does getEntityAsText(), which returns null every now and then, and 
especially when there are "many" users (10) using the server (which 
still is VERY low load comparatively speaking).

Is there another bug involved, and which has to do with Tomcat? Or, is 
the 2.0-SNAPSHOT not updated with the fixes? Any ideas?



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