
I'm having some trouble with ServerServlet, and am a bit stuck. What 
I've done is to subclass ServerServlet and override the 
createApplication() method to create and return my own subclass of 
Application. Then, in start() I create and initialize my whole internal 
application setup. When the Tomcat container starts upp I can see that 
start() is being called properly. So far so good.

But, when I redeploy the application stop() is not always called on the 
Application (only sometimes!), and so my app is not properly shutdown, 
which then causes problems when the next version is started.

I can see that ServerServlet.destroy() *is* called when webapp is 
redeployed, but it doesn't call stop() on my application. When looking 
in the ServerServlet code it's a bit weird, because the init() code 
calls getApplication().start(), but destroy() calls 
getComponent().stop()! I'm guessing my problem is somewhere with that. 
Why aren't these methods starting/stopping the same thing?

Is there something else I'm missing? Is it a bug in my code or Restlet? 
Should I implement my own Component instead of Application?

thanks, Rickard


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