Hi Rob,
 Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried both Jetty and the Internal
connector but there was no difference. The problem appeared as soon as I
decided to migrate to restlet 2 m3 from restlet 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 where
the same code did not produce any errors. However, it might be just a
matter of including the appropriate jars in the classpath. Which are the
necessary ones? I tried to include all the jars in the lib/ directory of
restlet 2.0 m3 but I received some error messages... 

Best Regards,
Sopasakis Pantelis

On Thu, 2009-10-22 at 09:27 -0400, Rob Heittman wrote:
> Did you try it to see if you get the same behavior using a connector
> other than Grizzly?  (e.g. Jetty or the included HTTP connector)  On
> refresh, most Mozilla based browsers will try a conditional GET first
> to see if the resource has changed, then if the server indicates that
> it has changed, will repeat with the full GET.  The weird behavior you
> describe is also found when running under Tomcat 5 if you don't send a
> large enough entity from Restlet ... where that first conditional GET
> will fail and cause the same symptoms in the browser.  So I'm
> wondering if it's connector-specific here, too.
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Sopasakis Pantelis
> <ch...@mail.ntua.gr> wrote:
>         Dear List,
>          Hi for the first time, cause I'm a new member. I've developed
>         a web
>         service based on Restlet 1.1.5 which runs as a standalone
>         application
>         using Grizzly. I deciided to migrate to Restlet version 2.0.
>         m3 and
>         after some refactoring and changes in my code, I managed to
>         make the
>         whole thing work just fine!
>         In the server class, I attach both an application and some
>         static html
>         files including a javadoc directory. This is the server class:
>         *******************************************************************
>         package org.opentox.server;
>         import java.util.logging.Level;
>         import java.util.logging.Logger;
>         import org.opentox.Applications.OpenToxApplication;
>         import org.opentox.Resources.AbstractResource;
>         import org.restlet.Application;
>         import org.restlet.Component;
>         import org.restlet.data.LocalReference;
>         import org.restlet.data.Protocol;
>         import org.restlet.resource.Directory;
>         import org.restlet.routing.VirtualHost;
>         /**
>         *
>         * @author chung
>         */
>         public class Server {
>            public static void main(String[] args){
>                // Create a component
>                   Component component = new Component();
>                   component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 3000);
>                   component.getClients().add(Protocol.FILE);
>                   LocalReference javadoc =
>                            LocalReference.createFileReference(
>                          AbstractResource.javadocDir);
>                   LocalReference home =
>                           LocalReference.createFileReference(
>                          AbstractResource.HTMLDir);
>                   Directory javadocDirectory = new
>         Directory(component.getContext().createChildContext(),
>         javadoc);
>                   Directory homeDirectory = new
>         Directory(component.getContext().createChildContext(), home);
>                   Application application = new OpenToxApplication();
>                   VirtualHost host = new VirtualHost();
>                   host.attach("/OpenToxServices",application);
>                   host.attach("",homeDirectory);
>                   host.attach("/OpenToxServices/javadoc",
>         javadocDirectory);
>                   component.setDefaultHost(host);
>                try {
>                    component.start();
>                } catch (Exception ex) {
>          Logger.getLogger(Server.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE,
>         null, ex);
>                }
>            }
>         }
>         ********************************************************************
>         The problem is that when I reload any of the resources that
>         corresponds
>         to a static HTML file (e.g. the javadoc), I get a status code
>         405
>         (Method Not allowed). If I reload the page again, I get the
>         HTML but
>         without the CSS. I reload it again to get the correct HTML
>         representation but without the Images contained in it. Another
>         reload
>         gives once again a status 405, then HTML without css and
>         finally the
>         correct HTML. This happens each time I press F5 on mozilla BUT
>         NOT if I
>         request the resource again, i.e. if I retype the URL. Note
>         that this
>         happens only with the static html files. Other resources that
>         are based
>         on java classes (MyResource extends ServerResource) don't have
>         such
>         problems!
>         Having no idea how to solve that, I just separated the static
>         files from
>         the service. I set up an apache server on another port (80) to
>         deploy
>         the static html files and the services run on 3000. However I
>         think
>         other people are experiencing the same problem, because I had
>         the same
>         problem on 2 different machines.
>         I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas on that.
>         You can find the source code of the application at
>         http://github.com/sopasakis/yaqp
>         Thank you in advance,
>         Sopasakis Pantelis
>         ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2410202


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