Thanks Jerome for getting back to me. I ended doing something like  
this and it seems to work for me

            Client client = useHttps ? new Client(new Context(),  
Protocol.HTTPS) :
                new Client(new Context(), Protocol.HTTP);
            HttpClientHelper helper = new HttpClientHelper(client);
Integer.toString(socketTimeout), false);


On 28/10/2009, at 5:43 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> The patch you are referring to is actually attached to issue 622 but  
> it
> applies to Apache HTTP Client 4.0 version now used by Restlet 2.0. It
> should be applied before Restlet 2.0 M6.
> Restlet 1.1 however is based on version 3.1 which has a different
> mechanism based on the IdleConnectionTimeoutThread class.
> Unfortunately, such a change applied to Restlet 1.1 would add a  
> feature
> and not be just a bug fix... One workaround would be to develop a  
> custom
>  MyHttpClientHelper class extending
> com.noelios.restlet.ext.http.HttpClientHelper. It could then access to
> the "httpClient" property where you could set the
> IdleConnectionTimeoutThread. Then you would need to manually register
> the customized helper in the engine or use it when creating the Client
> instance.
> Hope it will help!
> Best regards,
> Jerome Louvel
> --
> Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
> Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
> Jim Alateras a écrit :
>> Jerome,
>> I notice that there seems to be a patch for the http timeout
>> connection problem some people are experiencing 
>> (
>> ). Will this patch also be applied to the 1.1 branch? If not can you
>> point me to the patch submitted by Sanjay.
>> cheers
>> </jima>
>> ------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------


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