Here's my requirement:

I have two restlets to attach to a router, both with the same URI 
template. What I want is that if the first restlet fails (specifically 
setting the response status to 404), then the next restlet would be 
tried. I'm calling this "fallback" routing.

So far, the only thing that works well is my own custom restlet that 
tries these two (or more) restlets in series. But this solution is 
awkward and also circumvents the router.

I've tried to create my own custom router with a custom routing mode, 
but the best this solution can offer is selection of a route. There's no 
simple way to "fallback" on the next route in line if the first one 
"fails" its handle(). I even thought to use Router's built in retry 
feature, but this would require runtime changing of the route list, 
which also seems awkward to me.

Any better ideas?



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